Saturday, March 9, 2019


Over the years, since joining the Church, I have made remarks to my wife that I have no doubts of anything I’ve learned of the gospel...except for the thought that “I” could ever become a God.

I know ME pretty well and can easily say that, knowing my weaknesses, I certainly wouldn’t ever make me a GOD.
She would always just say, “Don’t you think that Satan is the one putting these thoughts in your head?
Maybe, but they are there.

This has been my thought process for the past 50 years...but it has not made me doubt the Church or our leaders or the scriptures.
We are told that we are taught by line upon line, precept upon precept and since I didn’t seem to be learning, I believe that Father prompted a friend, Fred Hawn, that I work with, (in whom I had never discussed these doubts) suggested that I listen to a talk given to the students at BYU by Brother Tad R. Callister.

His talk explained more fully the admonishment of the Savior that we should, “Become perfect even as our Father in Heaven is perfect.”
Brother Callister, quoting scripture and prophets, helped me understand MY “Identity And My Destiny” and this short life is meant to put us on our path to Godhood.
As we follow the Savior we will become like Him and Father and will eventually fulfill our destiny.

Our purpose on this earthly experience is to learn to perfect the attributes we need and to develop ourselves as we learn to become Gods.
The lessons we must start with, as we learn, are necessary to to prove ourselves worthy of becoming like Father.

At my High School in San Francisco, there was a quote on a mural at one end of the football field that I read often and liked...
"For a man to conquer himself is the first and noblest of all victories."

Embracing the doctrines and teachings of the Church gives new meaning to Plato’s thoughts.

We are placed in family units to be nurtured and support us as we begin to learn to put others needs above our own selfish inclinations.

We are brought into the church to experience serving others and to continue to prove ourselves as having the capacity of becoming a God.

Joseph Smith said that there never was an offspring that could not become like their parents.

A simple but wonderful truth.

Sunday, February 3, 2019


My thoughts of my baptism.

Irene asked me what about any thoughts I might have had when I was baptized

My first thoughts were of the service that we had just gone through,

but as I thought I remembered the events of that day.

It was the ONLY time in my life that I "knowingly" received direct revelation from Father.

For weeks prior to my baptism I had been going to Father in prayer earnestly asking for forgiveness for the things in my life that were contrary to the gospel.

After my baptism, sitting in my chair, I asked again for forgiveness and I received this answer from Him...
“Your sins are forgiven you, ask no more.”

It was not an audible voice but it entered my soul as strongly as if it were 
being a LOUD declaration that those around me could have surely heard.

And I was at peace.

Monday, July 9, 2012



On this day, July 8th, 1959, I got on a TWA airplane and flew from
SF to San Diego to start my boot camp in the Navy.
That was so long ago that the plane was propeller driven!!

Saturday, April 28, 2012



Tomorrow morning we head to D'neyland with Vicky & Larry, Sheri & Andrae, Cathy & Curt and most of their children.   Gonna be a fun trip!!

Monday, July 4, 2011



It matters not how our ancestors came to live in

this GREAT land.

The fact remains that through the work and

sacrifices of those good people, we have the

"HONOR" of living in the GREATEST Nation

ever established on this Earth.

I honor and respect those who came before

us and wish to pass that gratitude on to my

6 children and soon be 22 grandchildren.

We all need to be thankful to our

Father In Heaven for allowing us the

privilege of living in this GREAT land and

enjoying the FREEDOMS that we live with.

Can I get an "AMEN"???

Sunday, January 2, 2011


New Year - New Challenge!

It may seem strange to everybody but I'm looking forward to the "Challenges" this year brings.

Diane was referring to this time of year as the time to look within ourselves and see if the path we are on is kinda like a "Racetrack Oval"...or is there movement towards the destination that we really desire for ourselves.

The world that we are living in is changing rapidly and is making Irene and I look at things a bit differently. I'm looking forward this opportunity for the chance to analyze and make some personal course corrections. I'm grateful to Jack and Heather and their family for reaching out to us. The biz'ness that I've been in for all these years has changed and it's time for me to move on...put some money into the printer and develop this new biz'ness...get it rolling and make things happen for Irene and myself.

I am a creature of habit and don't usually like "Change"....but "Change" also brings with it the chance to look at things with "New Eyes".

Father has put us on this Earth to learn and grow...that course doesn't end until my family gathers around me at the end and sings..."Hit The Road Jack"!


Wednesday, December 22, 2010



Irene will be working on my birthday so the family threw a party for me on Diane's birthday that was really nice.

Good food and a lot of fun just sittin' and's really strange to think that time has marched on so quickly and I've reached 70!!!

What a wonderful family that Irene and I have been so blessed to be a part of...thanks to Irene and you kids...and also to my good friends...I'm a happy "OLD Guy"!!