Monday, July 19, 2010

IRENE'S "NEW KNEE"! (EDITED (9-9-2010)

Today Irene FINALLY reached the end of her "ROPE" and threw herself at the mercy of the "Medical World" and had her knee replaced.
The Doc said that she had to have been in "Excruciating Pain" and that she will be REALLY happy that she did it!
I wanna thank EVERYONE for their prayers and our "Kids" for the way they support their Mom and Dad!! Your "Da Best'!!

Well today we go for Irene's last check up with Dr. Dungey!

It has been a remarkable journey to observe Irene and her diligence to the regimine given to her by her therapist. She has been a "Trouper" as she has worked hard to be able to walk so well!! AA+ is the grade she gets!! (For Kyla..that's not a "Battery" that is a designation for her grade!!)