Monday, April 20, 2009



There are times that we go through that show how much this family supports one another....this little incident that I found myself in is just one more time that illustrates how close this family is.

From our family "Nurse", Heather, to Jack and Curt steppin' in to give me a blessing... and the support of Diane, Sheri, Jack, Cathy, and Curt...along with my best "FRIEND" in this world, Irene...and with the prayers of the whole family, I saw once again the strength and power that there is in this family.

A lotta love and a whole lot of chuckles from each of you guys kept the experience in perspective I dealt with getting back on my feet today and to attempt to find the work that I need to find. Keep the prayers coming for the "Work Thing"...

I so dearly love each and every one of you....Thank You ALL!!


vicky said...

Glad you are home now and feeling better!

Mama's Place said...

Glad it all worked out!

diane said...

I'm glad we could be there for you and that things are okay. We love you!